Dalam satu kegiatan volunteer di Madison, Wisconsin (2012)

Saya Ilham, anak ke-7 dari 9 bersaudara. Lahir di Padang, namun besar dan berdomisili di Pekanbaru. Saat ini sedang melanjutkan pendidikan di Australia, ambil program S2.

Jika ditanya kenapa saya membuat blog ini, jawabannya sederhana. Saya ingin mendokumentasikan pengalaman pribadi tentang apa saja yang menurut saya menarik untuk diceritakan.

Jadi topik ceritanya bermacam-macam. Tidak ada niche spesifik.

Makanya blog ini saya beri nama Nasi Ramas. Hahaha.

FYI, nasi ramas itu adalah nasi Padang yang dibeli di rumah makan Padang untuk dibawa pulang. Orang Minang menyebutnya demikian. Yang bukan orang Minang biasanya menyebutnya Nasi Padang. Sebungkus nasi ramas berisikan nasi putih, lauk pauk, sayur,  sambel, dan kadang kerupuk.

Singkatnya, nasi campur.

Sama seperti isi Nasi Ramas, blog ini isinya juga macam-macam. Tapi berhubung saat ini saya sedang kuliah di Australia, kebanyakan cerita saya adalah tentang bagaimana kehidupan seorang mahasiswa di luar negeri khususnya di Adelaide.

Terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke Nasi Ramas.

Semoga yang mampir bisa kenyang! 😀

6 thoughts on “ABOUT

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  1. I am a mother of two daughters and I feel exciting while teaching. I have one simple vivid comment to your entire-half story, you are personally hard worker and love organized each and every steps you have planned. Those character can be seen easily on how you organized your sentence and I might guess you read the whole sentences more than twice(hopefully it is just my lucky guess) . It is nice heard some (other) organized people organizing their time.

  2. I remember when Ilham called my several questions when I was in the United States of America. He was such a nice friend to have. I felt such a big surprise to know him being there in the same state as I was. I believe that Ilham will be a great person in the future. To Ilham, always be humble. Not everyone from Indonesia can study in the United States with the sponsorship from Fulbright. You are one of the deserving people. Nice to know you, Ilham. Always be successful, okay? Cheers! Wassalamualaikum. 🙂

    1. Oh God, how nice of you brother Syayid for leaving a sweet comment on my blog. Thank you so much!!! 🙂 It’s been a pleasure for me to get to know you as well. You will be a great person too brother. Let’s strive to make Indonesia a better place. 🙂

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